May 21, 2011

May 1945 and beyond

The Second World War is over in Europe and North Africa. The Third Reich no longer exists. The only active military front is in Asia where […]
March 7, 2015

So What Was on Hitler’s Mind as an Art-Plunderer?

by Ori Z Soltes For many readers of this blog, these observations may not be new, but for others they may provide food for thought. Those […]
March 16, 2016

MA-B 702

by Marc Masurovsky MA-B 702 is the alphanumeric designator assigned to a watercolor by the American-born artist, Frank Myers Boggs, of a scenery in Honfleur which […]
April 18, 2018

Teaching plunder to children Part One

by Marc Masurovsky Here are some images developed for a presentation given to young children in a Jewish middle school, ages 9 to 13. Feel free […]