March 24, 2011

ERR database—MA-B section

by Marc Masurovsky[updated on November 1, 2017] The MA-B section of the ERR database consists of 1403 datasets (as of November 1, 2017) describing paintings and […]
March 16, 2016

MA-B 702

by Marc Masurovsky MA-B 702 is the alphanumeric designator assigned to a watercolor by the American-born artist, Frank Myers Boggs, of a scenery in Honfleur which […]
November 28, 2016

The duty to memory

by Marc Masurovsky Which is simpler—recovery of looted cultural objects or memorializing the loss of cultural objects? The short answer is: both are fraught with complications. […]
April 15, 2018

La “question juive” et le marché de l’art en France, 1940-1944

by Marc Masurovsky [This paper was delivered in French at an international conference in Bonn, Germany, on November 30, 2017. The conference focused on plunder and […]
June 14, 2018

“Portrait of Mary Robinson,” by Joshua Reynolds

by Angelina Giovaniedited by Marc Masurovsky Mary Robinson was one of the most famous actresses of the 18th century, who left behind a large number of […]
October 8, 2018

It is not heirless unless we say it is

by Marc Masurovsky In late January 2015, HASHAVA sponsored a visit to the kibbutz of Ein Harod and its museum of Jewish artists near Mount Gilboa. […]
November 27, 2019

Pots and pans

by Marc Masurovsky Since the first Holocaust memorial was built in Europe, soon followed by dozens of others, the story line that these venerable institutions have […]