April 18, 2011

A comprehensive database of looted art: fantasy or reality?

At present, there is no comprehensive database for works of art and objets d’art looted during the Second World War and under the Nazi regime. Let’s […]
September 2, 2011

Seeking guidance from INTERPOL

The words vary but their meaning does not. Plunder, looting, theft, spoliation, misappropriation, pillage—call it what you wish, it all comes down to the same thing: […]
December 24, 2011

First anniversary of “plundered art”

Happy holidays! The “plundered art” blog just passed its first anniversary. This might be a good time to revisit its reason for existence. It’s not that […]
December 24, 2011

Overview of the first year of activity on the “plundered art” blog

In order to know who you, the readers of “plundered art”, are, Google provides a potent tool—Google Analytics—which provides a glimpse of the readership of a […]
October 10, 2018

Washington Principle #6: A Critique

by Marc Masurovsky [Editor’s note: Due to the momentous nature of the upcoming international conference in Berlin, Germany, entitled “20 years Washington Principles: Roadmap for the […]