July 1, 2013

1998: Year Zero of Art Restitution?

Highlights from that fateful year include, but are not limited to: -the seizure of two paintings by Egon Schiele at the Museum of Modern Art in […]
June 14, 2016

The American museums, the US Senate and the art market vs. Claimants

by Marc Masurovsky It’s hard to believe that we have reached this point again. The US Senate and its friends in the art market and in […]
June 16, 2016

S. 2763: Restitution kabuki

an opinionated piece by Marc Masurovsky Note: The title was inspired by a close friend who is intimately involved in art restitution matters. The authors of […]
June 18, 2016

Highlights from Senate Judiciary Committee hearing held on 7 June 2016 regarding S. 2763.

loosely transcribed by Marc Masurovsky Note: The questions and answers might not have been rendered using those exact words. Hence, in many instances, the gist of […]