June 16, 2011

Revisiting the landscape of plunder

No serious discussion on the problem of cultural plunder dating back to the Nazi/Fascist era, the Second World War, and the Holocaust, can even begin without […]
November 2, 2011

Confessions of an art looting “expert” (I)

I must apologize for not having contributed anything to this blog in over two months. The reason is simple: a generic failure to think that there […]
November 13, 2011

When the gloves come off, does this mean WAR?

As we say in the United States, ‘them’s fightin’ words’! True, they are. Perhaps, they deliver more bang than bite. But they emerge from the deepest […]
November 17, 2011

Landscapes of cultural plunder revisited

Vue de la zone entre la porte de Clignancourt el la porte Montmarte, 1943-1944Source: BHdv / Roger-Viollet / Direction technique de la voirie parisienne via  Patrimoine […]
December 24, 2011

First anniversary of “plundered art”

Happy holidays! The “plundered art” blog just passed its first anniversary. This might be a good time to revisit its reason for existence. It’s not that […]
July 1, 2013

Kerfuffles about provenance research training and art restitution

What does it matter where one is from and what title one carries as an adornment or what professional relationships one benefits from to get ahead […]
July 1, 2013

It has been 15 years since that fateful year of 1998: what do we have in 2013?

The American government prefers to let the market decide on what is fair and just for Holocaust victims of cultural plunder. European governments are loath to […]
April 21, 2015

The illusion of numbers

by Marc Masurovsky Ever since WWII ended, there have been a flurry of numbers thrown about to give a sense of the scope of the destruction […]