April 9, 2011

“A new paradigm for restituting looted cultural property?”, by Marc Masurovsky

by Marc MasurovskyThis presentation was delivered during the Prague Conference of June 26-30, 2009. Although somewhat strident, it captures a number of basic points regarding the […]
May 28, 2011

Plunder of culture

The plunder of culture is a crime against humanity. And the right to culture is a human right. Since the dawn of ages, men and women […]
November 13, 2011

When the gloves come off, does this mean WAR?

As we say in the United States, ‘them’s fightin’ words’! True, they are. Perhaps, they deliver more bang than bite. But they emerge from the deepest […]
November 17, 2011

Landscapes of cultural plunder revisited

Vue de la zone entre la porte de Clignancourt el la porte Montmarte, 1943-1944Source: BHdv / Roger-Viollet / Direction technique de la voirie parisienne via  Patrimoine […]
January 4, 2015

HARP and the Hopi Tribe

by Ori Z. Soltes, President, the Holocaust Art Restitution Project, Inc. (*) Protest outside Hotel Drouot auction house in Paris The Holocaust Art Restitution Project (“HARP”) […]
April 21, 2015

The illusion of numbers

by Marc Masurovsky Ever since WWII ended, there have been a flurry of numbers thrown about to give a sense of the scope of the destruction […]
January 25, 2016

The Gurlitt Task Force “fact sheet”

by Marc Masurovsky The Gurlitt Task Force made a three-page fact sheet available to the general public dated 12 January 2016. Since the discovery of Cornelius […]
November 27, 2016

The binary: Holocaust and/or plunder

by Marc Masurovsky The binary—Holocaust and plunder—is a taboo. The official binary—Holocaust OR plunder—has been the prevailing dogma characterizing the conceptualization, development and implementation of Holocaust […]
January 13, 2017

What is to be done?

by Marc Masurovsky Locating looted art in public and private collections, auction houses, galleries, is one thing; recovering these plundered objects is quite another. The search […]