May 14, 2011

ERR database—Raoul Meyer, Pissarro, Modigliani, Soutine

You can never be too careful. Thanks to the watchful eye of a museum curator in Indiana, the information in the Jeu de Paume database concerning […]
February 4, 2015

A Gurlitt painting waiting to be restituted: View of the Seine from the Pont-Neuf, by Camille Pissarro

by Marc Masurovsky One of the paintings found in the infamous Salzburg Depot in Western Austria which were part of the art collection of the late […]
April 23, 2015

Kafka meets Gurlitt

by Marc Masurovsky It’s fair to say that, ever since the revelation of the existence of the Cornelius Gurlitt collection in November 2013, the German federal […]