August 8, 2011

Krakow (May 2009), Prague (June 2009), and beyond (2009-2011): Anything new?

In mid-May 2009, a dozen individuals from the United States and Europe, mostly lawyers, one historian, and several representatives of the art market, met in a […]
August 24, 2011

An imaginary conversation about Grosz v. MOMA

“Max Hermann-Neisse” All rights reserved, Estate of George Grosz,  licensed by VAGA, New York;  Image courtesy of Museum of Modern Art In the August 24, 2011, […]
December 3, 2012

Funeral for the idea of a US Commission on Looted Art at the Peace Palace in The Hague, Netherlands, on November 27, 2012

Absurdity funeral, Francisco GoyaSource: Wikipaintings No one likes to be the bearer of bad news. US Special Envoy for Holocaust Issues, Douglas Davidson, is no exception. […]
February 1, 2016

When is “just and fair” fair and just?

by Marc Masurovsky It is difficult to pin down precisely the genesis of the concept known as “fair and just” or “just and fair” solution in […]
November 23, 2019

Diplomatic highs and lows in Paris

by Marc Masurovsky Ambassador Stuart Eizenstat, special envoy on Holocaust affairs for the US Department of State, was one of the most prominent speakers at the […]