November 13, 2011

When the gloves come off, does this mean WAR?

As we say in the United States, ‘them’s fightin’ words’! True, they are. Perhaps, they deliver more bang than bite. But they emerge from the deepest […]
May 10, 2015

The day after…

by Marc Masurovsky We just commemorated the 70th anniversary of the end of the Second World War, at least that portion of the war being fought on the […]
October 9, 2016

Prisoners of war

by Marc Masurovsky In late January 2014, Ronald Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress, declared that art objects stolen from Jews “are the last prisoners […]
October 18, 2017

Different shades of recovery

by Marc Masurovsky The process of recovery of looted cultural, artistic and religious objects is daunting for several reasons: If action is not taken right away […]