March 2, 2011

Ardelia Hall

Ardelia Hall (1899-1979) is the quintessential personification of a one-woman campaign to track down looted art and restitute thousands of these missing works to their rightful […]
May 29, 2011

Wartime art trade between Caracas, Venezuela, and New York

In September 1944, the Navy Censorship office in New York notified William Burke, of the Frick Art Reference Library, that a group of 30 paintings coming […]
May 23, 2018

TD 51072

by Marc Masurovsky Treasury Directive TD 51072 was passed on June 8, 1944, two days after D-Day, under sections 3(a) and 5(b) of the Trade with […]
April 5, 2020

Art exports from Europe to the Western Hemisphere

by Marc Masurovsky Applications for export pases for works of art, page 1 An innocuous list of works and objects of art has been widely available […]