June 5, 2011

Van Gogh’s 1889 depiction of his mutilated self smoking a pipe–PR 144

In a catalogue of works from the private collection of Mary and Leigh Block of Chicago, IL, the first painting that one sees is an iconic […]
July 24, 2011

The things that one finds on the Internet: Researching the fate of a painting by F. Demoulines

According to a document produced by R. C. Fenton of the British Ministry of Economic Warfare (MEW) in London on February 7, 1945, an unframed watercolor […]
August 30, 2011

Teaching provenance research at the Free University of Berlin

Free University, BerlinSource: Wikipedia Last April, the Free University of Berlin announced that it had initiated the first academic program in Germany on cultural plunder. Classes […]
September 14, 2012

O Canada! Where did you go wrong?

What is the problem up there? Way back when, at the turn of the twenty-first century, an international conference was held in Ottawa hosted by the […]
August 31, 2015

A small tribute to Charles Goldstein

Charles Goldstein by Marc Masurovsky Charles Goldstein, counsel to the Commission for Art Recovery and Ronald Lauder’s attorney, died on July 30, 2015. He was 78 […]