January 29, 2015

The never-ending post-Gurlitt “process”

by Marc Masurovsky What is one to make of all this hoopla concerning provenance research in Germany? It took an ill-managed investigation into the activities of […]
February 15, 2015

The Gurlitt indictment: Washington Principles vs. the German government and its partners

by Marc Masurovsky Leave it to the diplomats, the pundits, the negotiators, the strategists, the civil servants, and those with a vested interest in doing business […]
May 25, 2015

Monday afternoon rant: is cultural destruction in the 21st century inevitable?

by Marc Masurovsky Palmyra  As the world sits by and watches ISIS forces overwhelm the town of Palmyra, shudders go down our collective spines and dread […]
March 11, 2016

Monika Gruetters’ “Jewish problem”

by Marc Masurovsky On March 3, 2016, the New York Times published an article signed by correspondent Alison Smale which confirmed that the Gurlitt Task Force’s […]
March 13, 2016

Recap of the Gurlitt case

by Marc Masurovsky Two and a half years have elapsed since the Gurlitt case burst onto the international scene. Here is a recap as seen through […]