June 11, 2011

Looted paintings in the State Museum of Smolensk

Картинная галерея, СмоленскSource: Smolensk Travel In 2005, a museum in Smolensk, in cooperation with the German Embassy in Moscow, organized an exhibit of German paintings from […]
October 18, 2012

Revisiting Senate Bill 2212—Part One

By Nikki Georgopulos, special to “plundered art” There has been a great deal of opining and sounding off recently among lawyers, professors, art historians, and art-related […]
July 19, 2013

When is restitution a bad thing? The case of Melanesian wood carvings

by Verity Algar, co-posting with ARCAblog The Holocaust Art Restitution Project and other organisations aiming to restitute Holocaust-looted art to its rightful owners justifiably propose restitution […]
October 19, 2013

From Outside Neolithic Walls: It’s a Matter of Scale and Resources

Participants attending PRTP-Zagreb from March 10-15, 2013Source: Holocaust Art Restitution Project by Martin Terrazas, co-posting with ARCAblog This is in response to several messages in the […]