May 30, 2011

Analysis of an address by Ambassador Stuart E. Eizenstat at Prague in June 2009

On June 27, 2009, US Ambassador Stuart E. Eizenstat spoke the following words to the assembled participants at the Prague Holocaust Era Assets Conference: “Like the […]
June 5, 2011

Jeudi 4 septembre 1997: colloque sur les conséquences juridiques et morales des restitutions d’oeuvres et d’objets d’art, Washington, DC

Un extrait de la conférence/colloque qui s’est tenue le jeudi 4 septembre 1997 à 9h30 sur les conséquences juridiques et morales des restitutions d’oeuvres et d’objets […]
December 3, 2012

Funeral for the idea of a US Commission on Looted Art at the Peace Palace in The Hague, Netherlands, on November 27, 2012

Absurdity funeral, Francisco GoyaSource: Wikipaintings No one likes to be the bearer of bad news. US Special Envoy for Holocaust Issues, Douglas Davidson, is no exception. […]
November 16, 2019

Historians vs. lawyers

by Marc Masurovsky The past two decades have witnessed hundreds of restitution cases whose purpose is to reclaim the return of objects looted during the Nazi […]
November 23, 2019

Diplomatic highs and lows in Paris

by Marc Masurovsky Ambassador Stuart Eizenstat, special envoy on Holocaust affairs for the US Department of State, was one of the most prominent speakers at the […]