April 2, 2011

‘Human Rights and Cultural Heritage: from the Holocaust to the Haitian Earthquake’

Brookdale Center, Cardozo Law SchoolSource: Wikipedia This one-day symposium took place on March 31, 2011, at Cardozo Law School in downtown Manhattan. It featured, among other […]
April 2, 2011

Cardozo Law School follow-up—Lucian Simmons and two victims

I did take exception in my closing remarks to Lucian Simmons’ characterization of the two victims theory in art restitution.  There is no way in the […]
April 26, 2011

Open letter to the Uniform Law Commission of the National Conference of Uniform State Laws

HOLOCAUST ART RESTITUTION PROJECT (HARP)  http://plundered-art.blogspot.com April 25, 2011 John A. Sebert, Executive Director Uniform Law Commission Dear Mr. Sebert: As co-founder of the Holocaust Art […]
November 8, 2011

Nazi looted art conference at Lafayette College, Easton, PA: a debriefing (II)

Day 2: October 27, 2011 Lafayette CollegeSource: Lafayette College via Flickr Lafayette College is a small architectural jewel nestled in a set of rolling hills not […]
April 30, 2012

Repatriation of looted antiquities to Italy

by Keri Douglas (Special to plundered art) ArtifactsSource: Keri Douglas In an official ceremony held on April 26, 2012, at the Italian Embassy in Washington, DC, […]
February 1, 2015

Pieter Paul Rubens, “The daughters of Cetrops find the serpent-shaped baby”

The daughters of Cetrops find the serpent-shaped baby, Rubens by Marc Masurovsky What’s in a provenance? According to one saying, it is all in the eye […]
February 14, 2015

Schleiertanz (Veil Dance) 1920, by Paul Klee

Schleiertanz, 1920, Paul Klee by Marc Masurovsky  Paul Klee produced the watercolor known as “Schleiertanz”, the Veil Dance, in 1920. It was exhibited in Munich at […]