May 14, 2011

ERR database—Raoul Meyer, Pissarro, Modigliani, Soutine

You can never be too careful. Thanks to the watchful eye of a museum curator in Indiana, the information in the Jeu de Paume database concerning […]
May 22, 2011

The recycling of Chaim Soutine’s works under Vichy and beyond

In November 1940, Chaim Soutine’s main benefactor, Madeleine Castaing, had introduced him to the former wife of Max Ernst, Marie-Berthe Aurenche, at a café in Saint-Germain-des-Prés.  […]
April 23, 2015

Two Soutines for sale have little to say for themselves

by Marc Masurovsky Chaim Soutine As the leading auction houses in New York and London prepare for a bonanza in art sales in May 2015, Sotheby’s […]
April 15, 2018

La “question juive” et le marché de l’art en France, 1940-1944

by Marc Masurovsky [This paper was delivered in French at an international conference in Bonn, Germany, on November 30, 2017. The conference focused on plunder and […]