June 5, 2011

Van Gogh’s 1889 depiction of his mutilated self smoking a pipe–PR 144

In a catalogue of works from the private collection of Mary and Leigh Block of Chicago, IL, the first painting that one sees is an iconic […]
November 20, 2011

Pearls from Brazil

São Paulo, Brazil, boasts one of the finest art museums in the Southern Hemisphere, something to make its friends in Buenos Aires squirm. MASP – Museu de […]
January 10, 2012

“Der Garten Daubignys,” Vincent van Gogh

Shortly before the troubled, inspired, and heartbreaking life of Vincent van Gogh came to a violent end on July 29, 1890, at Auvers-sur-Oise, he produced a […]
March 30, 2015

Happy birthday, Vincent van Gogh! Portrait of Dr. Gachet, a book review

by Angelina Giovani  Portrait of Dr. Gachet, van Gogh (1890) First version [Editors’ note: One way to celebrate Vincent van Gogh’s birthday is to reminisce about […]
May 26, 2015

Happy birthday, Vincent van Gogh! Part Two

by Angelina Giovani [Editor’s note: This is the second installment of the story of the “Portrait of Dr. Gachet” by Vincent van Gogh. The first part, […]