July 29, 2011

Nazi plunderer Bruno Lohse gets a posthumous rewrite

Bruno LohseSource: Jewish Museum Berlin When SS Captain Bruno Lohse died on March 21, 2007, he left behind him a small treasure of French Impressionist, Old […]
August 15, 2011

“Le déjeûner sur l’herbe” by Claude Monet almost plundered?

Claude Monet, the icon of French Impressionism, slaved for over a year painting a picnic on the grass with well-dressed men and women, all friends of […]
January 8, 2020

The fate of the collection of Alexandra Pregel, aka Avxente

Alexandra Pregel. http://www.bnphoto.org/pregel/home.htm by Marc Masurovsky [This is the third installment of the series on the alleged destruction of works of art at the Jeu de Paume […]