August 30, 2011

Teaching provenance research at the Free University of Berlin

Free University, BerlinSource: Wikipedia Last April, the Free University of Berlin announced that it had initiated the first academic program in Germany on cultural plunder. Classes […]
February 26, 2013

Angelus Novus, Angel of History, by Paul Klee

by Marc Masurovsky Paul KleeSource: Wikipedia Interesting destiny for the watercolor, “Angelus Novus”, a critical early work by Swiss artist Paul Klee. Angelus Novus, Paul Klee, […]
February 14, 2015

Schleiertanz (Veil Dance) 1920, by Paul Klee

Schleiertanz, 1920, Paul Klee by Marc Masurovsky  Paul Klee produced the watercolor known as “Schleiertanz”, the Veil Dance, in 1920. It was exhibited in Munich at […]
October 29, 2017

The top 10 plundered art articles

by Marc Masurovsky The plundered art blog was born without anyone noticing it in May 2010.  As so many of these ventures go, nothing much was […]