June 22, 2011

How to profit from State-sanctioned plunder: the Entartete Kunst case

The Nazi government enacted on May 31, 1938, the ”Act on Confiscations of Degenerate Art“ (“Gesetz über Einziehung von Erzeugnissen entarteter Kunst“) in order to legitimize […]
January 20, 2014

Time for a reckoning with the Cornelius/Hildebrand Gurlitt saga—Part One

GurlittSource: the week.co.uk Now that we are barely three weeks into 2014, the unfolding of the Gurlitt saga has turned into an international circus, one part […]
June 9, 2014

Belated open letter to the “New Republic”

Leon Wieseltier, Literary Editor of The New Republic, Source: Brandeis University by Marc J. Masurovsky Why did it take so long for the “New Republic” to […]
January 20, 2015

Post-Gurlitt stress disorder

by Marc Masurovsky Hildebrand Gurlitt Cornelius Gurlitt Now that Cornelius Gurlitt, reclusive heir to the art collection of his father, Hildebrand Gurlitt (1895-1956), international art dealer, […]
February 4, 2015

A Gurlitt painting waiting to be restituted: View of the Seine from the Pont-Neuf, by Camille Pissarro

by Marc Masurovsky One of the paintings found in the infamous Salzburg Depot in Western Austria which were part of the art collection of the late […]
April 6, 2015

The Gurlitt Affair: A canary in the coal mine?

by Ori Z Soltes Surrounded by all kinds of interesting and problematic details, there are three large issues that stand out in the now-notorious case of […]
August 24, 2015

Hitler’s Art Thief: A Review of Susan Ronald’s Book on Hildebrand Gurlitt and the Looting of Europe’s Treasures (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2015)

by Ori Z Soltes This book may not be for everyone: if all you are interested in is the number of artworks that surfaced out of […]
January 25, 2016

The Gurlitt Task Force “fact sheet”

by Marc Masurovsky The Gurlitt Task Force made a three-page fact sheet available to the general public dated 12 January 2016. Since the discovery of Cornelius […]
October 1, 2016

Silences that are Hardly Golden

by Ori Z Soltes edited by Marc Masurovsky With the untimely passing of Elie Wiesel, my mind wanders back to issues that, over the years, I discussed […]