November 13, 2011

When the gloves come off, does this mean WAR?

As we say in the United States, ‘them’s fightin’ words’! True, they are. Perhaps, they deliver more bang than bite. But they emerge from the deepest […]
January 19, 2014

Once upon a time…

US Soldiers toast victory at BerchtesgadenSource: Wikipedia via US Army Once upon a time, an American private first class entered Adolf Hitler’s lair in Berchtesgaden, tantamount […]
October 14, 2018

Washington Principle #7: A Critique

by Marc Masurovsky [Editor’s note: Due to the momentous nature of the upcoming international conference in Berlin, Germany, entitled “20 years Washington Principles: Roadmap for the […]
November 27, 2019

Pots and pans

by Marc Masurovsky Since the first Holocaust memorial was built in Europe, soon followed by dozens of others, the story line that these venerable institutions have […]