September 25, 2012

The AAMD in search of new markets

It’s not every day that one finds archival gems on the Internet, especially coming straight from the  Association of Art Museum Directors (AAMD). Flash back to […]
October 18, 2012

Revisiting Senate Bill 2212—Part One

By Nikki Georgopulos, special to “plundered art” There has been a great deal of opining and sounding off recently among lawyers, professors, art historians, and art-related […]
November 10, 2012

Revisiting Senate Bill 2212, Part Two

by Nikki Georgopulos, special to plundered art As explored in Part One of this article, the so-called Nazi exception in Senate Bill 2212 (S.2212) has myriad […]
May 5, 2014

RE: H.R. 4292 Foreign Cultural Exchange Jurisdictional Immunity Clarification Act

April 23, 2014 VIA TELEFAX TRANSMISSION All U.S. RepresentativesU.S. House of Representatives RE: H.R. 4292 Foreign Cultural Exchange Jurisdictional Immunity Clarification Act Dear Representative: Please be […]